Wek is The Filing Cabinet's son, prophet, and one of his best friends, chosen by The Filing Cabinet to spread his word to the world and help him save everyone from doom, so they can one day ascend to the ultrareality for an eternal life with The Filing Cabinet. The Filing Cabinet speaks directly to his son, Wek, and Wek graces the world with his knowledge. Wek also wants to be your buddy! Any friend of Wek's is a friend of the filing cabinet, and any friend of the filing cabinet is a friend of Wek's! Wek will guide you down the right path, towards the filing cabinet, and closer to being saved! Only through The Filing Cabinet and his son is ascension possible! Wek is a young lad who was pulled out of dark times and enlightened by The Filing Cabinet, taken in and cared for so that he may spead the gospel to new friends so they can enjoy enlightenment as well. Following his teachings will bring you joy and fullfillment.
Wek is a pal, a fellow, a lover and a fighter, but most imporantly, he is a friend of the filing cabinet.
Wek is real.